Bonjour! Learning a new language is like having dessert after a meal. It completes the meal. So let's go ahead. Bon appétit.

Image: Unsplash on Wix
Gâteau is cake.
Un gâteau is a cake
le gâteau is the cake.
A touch of grammar with the vaocbulary adds value to the word.
The sentences with gâteau contain a phrase, je voudrais discussed earlier:
Je voudrais un gâteau.
I would like a cake.
Je voudrais un gâteau au chocolat.
I would like a chocolate cake.
Je voudrais un gâteau aux fraises.
I would like a strawberry cake.
Marc: Bonjour Annie
Annie: Bonjour Marc.
Serveur: Vous choisissez? ( Have you chosen?/decided)
Marc: Je voudrais un café. Et vous Annie?
Annie: Je voudrais un gâteau au chocolate.
Serveur: D'accord Madame et Monsieur.
Serveur: Voilà votre café et votre gâteau au chocolat.
Marc et Annie: Merci. (Thank you)
Serveur: Bon appétit.
Now you can order coffee or cake at a café in France.
Type out your favourite cake in the comments.
Culture tip:
Why Cake at Birthdays?
Well, Cakes represent our best culinary offering honouring our most loved people. In "olden times" when refined sugar, spices , nuts and dried fruit were expensive, it was a honour to be honoured with cake. Today cake isn't expensive and we have a variety to choose from. But the message remains constant.
Cake says "you are important and we love you"